Site Updates


{ Only gonna include updates I deem important enough. }

03/10/23: Jadekat yuri is officially up!

10/08/23: Made a mobile version of biweekly davekat's daily index. It should redirect automatically on mobile devices now!

05/08/23: Finally made biweekly davekat more mobile-friendly with media queries. Still gotta redo one page though.

12/07/23: The biweekly davekat section of the site is mostly finished! All I need to do now is correct everything for mobile. Deleted media showcase entirely. Other than that just some minor changes to the site.

25/05/23: Ooh boy, where do I even start? I updated some minor stuff and started deleting things I know I won't mantain. Changed kinlist to brain ghosts. Uploaded what I got so far from my newest homestuck project - roomlocked. There's definitely more changes to come soon so look out for that!

07/02/23: My kinlist, while still heavily in progress, is now linked on the about page. It has 3 themes you can toggle between, so definitely check that out!

03/02/23: Switched all the comment sections on ydyg to html comment box, which is way more customizable and will blend in with all the style sheets nicer. Also added one to the credits page.

30/01/23: The first playlist page is finished!

25/01/23: Moved the to-do list to this very page! Also I only just now noticed this site got accepted onto the yesterweb ring. I got the approval email on JANUARY 7TH. So uh... yeah... the webrings on the home page's sidebar are updated, finally!

24/01/23: Figured out how to put html files inside other html files; which is gonna help me update constant site elements like navbars more efficiently, and also shorten page file length significantly. Already implemented it for the main site's navbar. See anything different about it? If not, then it's working how it's supposed to :B

17/01/23: Wrote a first mini-review-thingy on media showcase for - you guessed it - homestuck. Expect more of these to pop up in the future.

13/01/23: Made the sidebars stay in place as you scroll with the power of sticky position! Also added "back to top" buttons on most pages.

11/01/23: The dank memer guide is up and ready for use!

10/01/23: Added two whole shiny new site pages - one of them a semi-secret, ooh boy!

08/01/23: Finished up the about page. You can finally get to know me a little! :v

04/01/23: Added a separate page for credits so I can edit them in one place only, making the mobile footer obsolete.

03/01/23: All comic pages have a comment section from now on! Also fixed navigation bars, hopefully for the final time.

02/01/23: Added youtube link to the song under the music player.

31/12/22: Public site "launch" (simply posted the site on my socials lol).

30/12/22: Added navigation bar to the YDYG chapter style sheet, and also some "finishing" touches before the public launch.

29/12/22: Created a designated file directory in the form of a separate neocities site. Fixed responsive navigation bars. Created the first music player - visible on the home page.

27/12/22: Made more style sheets and improved the site layout.

11/12/22: Created the site. Started working on the code.


Work on secret pages

Navbar gallery media queries

Add some potatoes

Think of more things to do